The second edition
On Monday, January 28, 2019, the second edition of the Rossi Fest International Festival was officially closed. This year's festival has gathered over a hundred performers from the country and abroad (Serbia, Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, UK, Montenegro, Macedonia, Russia).
This year's Rossi Fest was designed as a three-day program of the festival where, in addition to world classics, the audience had the opportunity to enjoy the creation of eminent Baroque composers, Claudio Monteverdi and Solomon Rossi, as well as in modern musical compositions by young composers who composed their works specifically for this festival.
The opening ceremony began with the screening of Jozef Rozlic's film about the composer after whom the festival was named.
Apart from from the Baruch Brothers Choir and the Jewish Chamber Orchestra ensemble, guests also presented the ensembles Barok Vokal (Mainz, Germany), soloists of the Institute for Artistic Art (Belgrade), members of the New Trinity Baroque (Serbia / USA) and the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin (Germany). An important part of the Rosi Fest program is dedicated to the education and empowerment of music students and young music professionals. Therefore, apart from the concerts of domestic and foreign performers, the program included lectures by eminent musicologists Dr Ane Stefanovic and Dr Tijane Popovic Mlađenovic, a competition for young composers, as well as a masterclass for young opera singers led by renowned mezzo-soprano Claudia Eder, professor at the Music Academy of the University of Mainz (Germany).
The festival was organized with the support of the Embassy of Israel, the Jewish Municipality of Belgrade, the Italian Institute of Culture, the National Theater in Belgrade and other institutions.

Friday, 25th January
10:00 - 17:00 Museum of the National Theater in Belgrade
with Prof. Claudia Eder
Srđan Jaraković, pianist
Saturday, 26th January
10:00 - 17:00 Museum of the National Theater in Belgrade
16:00 - 18:00 Yugoslav Cinematheque
Hebreo: The Search for Salomone Rossi
Sunday, 27th January
10:00 - 17:00 Museum of the National Theater in Belgrade
16:00 Jewish Community of Belgrade / Gallery
LECTURE by Prof. Ana Stefanović
David et Jonathas, the biblical opera by Marc-Antoine Charpentier
17:30 Jewish Community of Belgrade / Gallery
LECTURE by Prof. Tijana Popović Mlađenović
Concerto for Viola and Orchestra / Viola Tango Rock Concerto of Benjamin Yusupov
Music has a Vision – Listening to Others and Oneself through It
19:00 Museum of the National Theater in Belgrade
20:30 National Museum in Belgrade
Pieces of young composers chosen in a competition,
and the work of contemporary composers on
the topic of Jewish culture
Monday, 28th January
18:00 Sinagogue Sukat Shalom
Conductor: Regina Yantian
20:00 National Theater, Stage Raša Plaović

Festival opening and the screening of the film: Hebreo: the search for Salomone Rossi
On 26th January 2019, Rossi fest opened with the screening of the film, by Italian director Jozef Roslitz, Hebreo: the search for Salomone Rossi. After the film, in the hall of Yugoslav Cinema, guests enjoyed the welcoming buffet. More

Concert of the participants of the opera singing masterclass with Prof. Claudia Eder
After the successful and well attended Rossi Fest 2018 Opera singing masterclass, we have decided to include the Opera singing masterclass in the next festival edition as well. This time Rosi Fest will have the honour to welcome a renowned concert and operatic mezzo-soprano, professor of College of Music in Mainz and a member of European Academy of Science and Arts - prof. Claudia Eder. The participants will have three individual sessions with Professor Eder and a pianist, and at the end of the course, a concert will be held at the Museum of the National Theater in Belgrade. More

Lectures of the prof. Ana Stefanovic and Prof. Tijana Popović Mladjenovic
An important part of the Rossi Fest program is dedicated to the education and affirmation of music students and young music professionals. Therefore, in addition to the concerts of local and foreign performers, the competition for young composers and the master course for young opera singers, the program included lectures by eminent musicologists.
In the gallery of the Jewish Community Belgrade, on January 27th 2019, two professional lectures were given by the professors of the Faculty of Music Art in Belgrade, Dr Ana Stefanovic and Dr. Tijana Popovic Mladjenovic. More

Concert Portraits and Remembrance
At the National Museum in Belgrade, on January 27th, a concert of Portraits and Memories was held on the International Day of Remembrance on Holocaust Victims at the Rossi Fest.
This year, festival recieved entries from over twenty countries around the world from nearly fifty compositions, and the Artistic Committee of the Festival selected five compositions, from following composers: Ben Lunn (UK), Bracha Bdil (Israel), Gay Ben-Tov (Israel), Nina Perovic (Montenegro) and Lazar Djordjevic (Serbia).
Beside the Baruch Brothers Choir and Jewish Chamber Orchestra, Synagogal Ensemble Berlin and vocal soloists and musicians gathered in various instrumental ensembles, performed at the concert. The concert was conducted by Regina Yantian (Germany), Stefan Zekic and Djordje Perovic. More

Concert of Synagogal Ensemble Berlin
On Monday, January 28, at the Belgrade Synagogue Sukat Shalom, the audience enjoyed the spiritual compositions, of mostly Ashkenazi traditions, in the performance of the Synagogal Ensemble from Berlin, led by conductor Regina Yantian and cantor Icaak Sheffer and the Baruch Brothers Choir conducted by Stefan Zekic. More

L'incoronazione di Poppea, Claudio Monteverdi
The closing ceremony of the second edition of the Rosi Fest was marked by the performance of the famous opera of Claudio Monteverdi, The Coronation of Poppea (L'incoronazione di Poppea), enriched by the symphonies of Salomon Rossi. The main roles were presented by members of the ensemble Barock Vocal, led by Professor Claudius Eder and other Belgrade opera singers. Ballet dancers of ensemble Transition Dance Company were selected from the Institute for Artistic Art in Belgrade, and orchestra was New Trinity Baroque ensemble under the direction of Predrag Gosta who also prepared the performances for this opera production. More